Our goal: YOUR optimal health…
Having served Sonoma County patients for over 30 years now, my medical practice is based upon my philosophy of integrating the best of conventional and alternative therapies. The well-being of you, the patient, must always come first — so any treatment which has the potential to improve yours or your family member’s health should be considered. I use my decades of experience in applying alternative therapies and also teach other physicians about these therapies in my ongoing effort to provide patients with the very best care I can.
Although the foundation of this practice is my conventional medical training, at its heart is respect for the body’s own innate healing power and attention to all aspects of your personal concerns. My overall goal is promoting yours and your family’s optimal health including providing information on sound nutrition and self-care.

Dr. Carlston’s how-to guide outlines the 10 essential health habits.
and READ the reviews…OR
Dr. Carlston has been quoted as an expert in the media. Visit the In the News page…
He also penned this feature article about his firsthand experience of our county’s wildfire tragedy for one of the nation’s leading newspapers.
For their issue marking the 1-year anniversary of the fire, the Sonoma County Gazette featured Dr. Carlston’s article recounting his firsthand experiences on their homepage (screenshot will open in new browser window), as well as in their print edition (edited for space). Read the entire article here…
Michael Carlston, M.D.
427 Doyle Park Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
CALL for an appointment:
We are located in the heart of Wine Country in Sonoma County and serve patients in the greater Bay area/Northbay region — as well as globally. Our office is in downtown Santa Rosa
Office hours:
Weekdays, by appointment.
Telephone consultations
Telephone consultations: are available from 12 pm – 12:30 pm & 5 pm – 5:30 pm weekdays (except Wednesdays). If a telephone consultation is longer than 5 minutes or results in a treatment recommendation, you will be charged at a rate proportional to the hourly office visit.
Our office number: 707.545.1554
Our goal:
YOUR optimal health…
Get in touch
Email your appointment request, we’ll get back to you promptly!
Private insurance will usually reimburse you for my services and payment is expected at the time of your visit. My office staff will be happy to assist you with the completion of your insurance forms. Except when Dr. Carlston is on vacation, he is usually available by phone for emergencies. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Learn more about Dr. Carlston’s MVM vitamins.
Dr. Carlston’s own proprietary formulation of vitamins and minerals including probiotics
Nearly everyone is deficient in one or more vitamins or minerals. Studies show that standards are too low and many individuals have even higher than recommended needs.
Developed by a medical doctor who has studied and used nutritional therapy with patients for over 35 years, Dr. Carlston’s MVM is produced to the highest quality standards, with ideal nutrient levels targeted to be beneficial to most adults. Dr. Carlston’s MVM formulation is continually updated to take advantage of the latest nutritional research and contains nutrients in their optimal forms to achieve greatest benefit along with best tolerance. Please REMEMBER: taking either poor quality nutrients or too much of a good supplement is not healthy.
What patients of Dr. Carlston’s say…

“When I was diagnosed with breast cancer Dr. Carlston was literally the only physician I trusted. He was a straight shooter- and his treatment and approach to preparing me for, and during chemo and radiation was hugely successful. I highly recommend Dr. Carleton. Melanie Carlston as well. Her gentle humanity is unsurpassed. Thank you both.”
Tina Vasques
READ over a dozen other patient reviews on

“I have 4 children and the first 3 were in and out of the Pediatrician’s office, like most children are. I was a young Mom with the first 3, and listened to what I was told by my Pediatricians. Antibiotics were prescribed at the majority of our visits for illnesses. If there was fluid in the ear, I was told it would probably turn into an infection so “lets be on the safe side and give them antibiotics.”
My youngest child, now 4, has only seen Dr. Carlston, as I wanted a healthier approach to her wellness. She has never been on a antibiotic ONCE, in her 4 years of life. She has rarely been sick and when she has been, Dr. Carlston will always take the healthy approach first, and it has always worked. He has had my 4 year old on healthy supplements since birth, and and has always prescribed a healthy remedy for her illnesses that work! Antibiotics are over prescribed and should be a LAST resort, not the first.
Dr. Carlston will spend time getting to know you, and will get to the core of what is ailing you. I couldn’t be happier with my choice in a Doctor for my family!”
Lisa Iverson
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