Over time we have gotten used to the idea that some things we cannot see, can still cause us harm. In fact, much longer ago, say 1,500 years, people were concerned about vaporous humors floating out of swamps and causing illnesses. Those ethereal malefic influences often proved to be tiny creatures like mosquitoes carrying invisible […]
Radiation Safety Update
Dear Patients, I am sorry that this email has to be so long. My sadness that it is necessary is, of course, far greater. Also, please do review this material carefully, as I am unable to respond to the very large volume of emails and phone calls that we have been receiving. Reviewing my previous […]
Responding to Radiation Concerns
A growing number of you have been writing to me today re: radiation exposure due to nuclear reactor damage in Japan. An as yet undetermined amount of radiation has already been released, with more likely. A cloud of radiation, creating the most immediate risk, could cross the Pacific, but this is unlikely and would take […]
What You Can’t See
We are bathed in all kinds of invisible energies. From cosmic rays to radio waves, we have no choice in the matter. Well, we do have some choice, but not much. In the 1960’s my father was a computer whiz. He deliberately flunked out of college so that he could leave and join the Navy. […]
Airport Screening Risks
Many people have been disturbed by new TSA passenger screening. After last year’s “underwear bomber”, TSA decided to examine passengers most private parts, either by rather intimate hand searches or radiation. Not because I believe there are more effective ways to screen large numbers of airline passengers or as any political statement, but for your […]