Radical Remission of Cancer

photo remedy kit and medical gear

The bottom line is that there is very good justification for optimism and taking steps beyond the usual care. Bad things happen, but radical remission is not only possible, it is, to some degree, predictable and founded upon these essential health habits. Maybe most importantly, these behaviors enhance the quality of our lives. The essential health habits are not dramatic. Their impact IS. They are powerful. They are irreplaceable. Whether the time remaining is short or long, we should all pursue them.

Mammography and Breast Cancer

If you have been reading my thoughts for some time, you know that I am not a big advocate of mammograms.  I really wish they would do the job they are supposed to do, but they just don’t.   Another study appeared recently, documenting the unpleasant consequences of well-intentioned mammographic screening.  It is not the […]

Vitamin Supplement Mistakes

If you read about vitamin supplements you must be confused.  Actually, it would be hard not to be. Vitamins are, by definition, essential to health.  Studies of hundreds of millions of people confirm that truth. However, a rash of recent studies have linked taking vitamin supplements to higher rates of a variety of diseases, especially […]

No Benefit Without Risk – Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol

Many medications are available only by prescription (unless you own a computer or travel to another country).  That is because of the risks that accompany their use. When drugs become available we tend to believe that availability is some sort of certification that they are safe, and weak compared to prescription meds. Not true. Recent […]