Slowly people are letting go of their love of NSAIDs (ibuprofen, ADVIL, Naproxen, NAPROSYN, etc). They are far from benign painkillers.
More About the Brain and Electromagnetic Fields
HIIT – The Missing Jewel Of Your Exercise Regimen
Be Wary of Experts
Product Dates and Food Safety
Unethical Corporate Influences on Health Care
Over just the last few months, a rash of unethical corporate behaviors, all in some way involving monetary influences on health care, have come to light. One was a disclosure about the Harvard Medical School showing that in the 1960s the sugar industry redirected researchers away from the conclusion that sugar contributed to heart disease. […]
EMF and Cancer
Psychotherapy is Better Than Medicines
It’s Not About the Rocket Fuel (only) – Dietary Diversity
Vaccination Disinformation
The scientifically false pretense that vaccines are perfect will be maintained as long as dialog is suppressed. With my own hands I administer vaccinations, but I have a responsibility to ask my own questions while supporting parents in their right (and responsibility) to make carefully considered decisions for their children.