Recent research is lengthening estimates of the time that antibiotics alter our internal ecology and consequently expanding medical concerns about the consequences of antibiotic overuse. The Swedish review of all published studies on the topic concluded that within one week of initiating antibiotic treatment, genes associated with antibiotic resistance reach high levels in the bacteria […]
Time to Change Tactics in the War on Cancer
The technological advances of humanity have dramatically changed our lives. They continue to do so in both good and bad ways. The leading cause of death today, cardiovascular disease, is so prevalent because we eat too much of the wrong food and we are not as physically active as human bodies are accustomed to being. […]
Burying Your Head in the Sand is Bad for Your Vitamin D Level
900 pages and zero thought. That is my summation of the IOM’s new calcium and vitamin D statement. Having been a member of such consensus panels in the past, I am sympathetic to their tendency to fall to the most conservative “lowest common denominator” opinion. However, this document is far from a reasonable scientific assessment. […]