The scientifically false pretense that vaccines are perfect will be maintained as long as dialog is suppressed. With my own hands I administer vaccinations, but I have a responsibility to ask my own questions while supporting parents in their right (and responsibility) to make carefully considered decisions for their children.
School Start Times
The ancients knew that children of a certain age pass through a change that is profound. In their metamorphic transition from childhood to adulthood, they become different beings.
For a long, long time now we have known that the change increases their need for sleep and shifts their biological clocks. The consequence is that they tend to fall asleep late and then wake up much later. Despite the presumptions of some early-rising adults, it isn’t laziness.
Fish Oil Prevention of Mental Illness
Not infrequently, some very important medical studies don’t get the attention they deserve. A long term study about fish oil prevention of mental illness, in this case psychosis, came out in August. The results of that investigation should have been shouted from the roof tops. Its time again to raise my voice.
Imagine a short term treatment, lasting only 3 months, that significantly reduced the likelihood of perhaps the most severe form of mental illness and continued to do so for the next SEVEN YEARS! If you imagined a bottle of fish oil, you nailed it.
Mandatory Vaccinations
Better Than Medicines – Radio Interview
I recently gave a radio interview on my new book, Better Than Medicines. Suzanne Lang was the interviewer. Here is an edited version of the interview, which was broadcast on the KRCB program, A Novel Idea. The second half of the program might also be of interest. In that segment, Larry Slater, MD (aka the Jazz […]
The CDC and the Illness of Our Health Care System
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are a US governmental organization purposed to collect and analyze information about diseases and, WITHOUT BIAS, create guidelines for physicians and the community. The British Medical Journal has discovered that the CDC has been “partnering” with private financial interests.
Prostate Cancer Prevention
Integrative Medicine Is Not Just About Wellness
The second problem, is more subtle and insidious. Even the conventional practitioners who have a favorable view of these other therapies nearly always believe these therapies are unsuitable for serious problems. They treat them as if the therapies are more “cute” than effective. The term most often applied then, is “wellness”. In other words, these treatments might help healthy people feel better, but nothing more. If a person has a real disease, they need real prescription medicine.