The prevailing, common sense, advice in medicine used to be that if some body part was weak, you should rest it. It made sense, that is unless you thought about it a bit more deeply. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. But don’t be foolish either.
High Intensity Intermittent Exercise – Fast, Efficient, Fun, and Effective
As you probably know, exercise may well be the single most important health habit. Drinking water, eating well, using supplements properly, avoiding toxins, sleeping, working on your attitude and relationships are all also vitally important. However, even beyond its power to prevent and treat disease, exercise may well provide the greatest wellbeing boost of any […]
The Waning of Immunizations
Immunizations have been all over the news lately, even entering the political debates. A couple of the discoveries have confirmed clinical impressions, including some I shared with you before. As I mentioned in an earlier newsletter, the current whooping cough (pertusis) epidemic has been remarkable to me because, while I have had patients with […]