Autism and Environmental Toxins

photo industrial polution skyscape

A new, very large, well-designed and important study linking specific prenatal maternal environmental exposures to later autism, conducted by researchers from Harvard and the MIND Institute in Davis, has just been published. Here is the link to the article.  The study of 325 autistic individuals and over 22,000 healthy children, compared data about environmental levels of […]

Autism and Immunizations

The widely disseminated comments of many organizations and authorities would lead one to believe that any possible linkage between vaccination and autism has been entirely disproven.  That is not so.  The theory that there might be a connection is biologically plausible.  One of the most consistent biological abnormalities among children with autism is their limited […]

ADHD and Environmental Toxins

The rate of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is rapidly rising and estimated to be 12% nationwide by US Census Bureau data.  According to community estimates, ADHD rates are as high as 20% in some areas.  Nationwide the percentage of children receiving prescription medication for ADHD is approaching 5% (and well over that in some […]