Twenty to thirty years ago we witnessed a massive rise in asthma rates among children. It came to be considered a public health emergency not only because asthma was becoming so very common, but more so due to the dramatic increases in hospitalization rates caused by asthma. Asthma, an allergic disease, was not just increasingly […]
The Wisdom of Effective Annual Health Screening
A recent article in the NY Times caught my eye. I couldn’t have agreed more, and also less. Titled “Let’s (Not) Get Physicals”, it was a reflection on the problems with conventional routine physical exams. The time-honored tradition has been for a thoughtful patient to see her/his doctor for an annual exam. The article […]
The Foods You Chose Can Help You Lose, or Not
The Foods You Choose Can Help You Lose, Or Not Many people think that Americans are obsessed with celebrity, politics or some sport. Yes, we are, but our chief obsession is not on that list. Americans are truly obsessed with weight, especially losing it. One reason exercise is so important for those losing weight and […]
Running and Longevity
Newly released data, collected over nearly 40 years, indicate that runners live 5-6 years longer than other people. I like this but also have some doubts. I began running as a 12 year old, and after a few more months of surgical recovery, hope to resume this life-long habit. I love it. My work […]
Vitamin Supplement Mistakes
If you read about vitamin supplements you must be confused. Actually, it would be hard not to be. Vitamins are, by definition, essential to health. Studies of hundreds of millions of people confirm that truth. However, a rash of recent studies have linked taking vitamin supplements to higher rates of a variety of diseases, especially […]
No Benefit Without Risk – Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol
Many medications are available only by prescription (unless you own a computer or travel to another country). That is because of the risks that accompany their use. When drugs become available we tend to believe that availability is some sort of certification that they are safe, and weak compared to prescription meds. Not true. Recent […]
Making Changes
I hope that, respecting tradition, you have dedicated yourselves to creating some better health habits in this New Year. I also hope that you are going about that in a joyful way, understanding that doing the right things will help you enjoy your life more. Also, pursuing good health habits should be fun, not tedious […]