Everybody knows how to prevent heart disease. Not really. Everybody just thinks they know. In truth, just about everybody is pretty much wrong.
Pharmacy Pricing Shenanigans
Breast Cancer Deaths Reduced by Multiple Vitamin Supplements?
Drop the Drugs, Part 2
Obamacare – Considering the Affordable Care Act
Antibiotic Resistance – Drop the Drugs, Part 1
Food Allergies in Infants
Twenty to thirty years ago we witnessed a massive rise in asthma rates among children. It came to be considered a public health emergency not only because asthma was becoming so very common, but more so due to the dramatic increases in hospitalization rates caused by asthma. Asthma, an allergic disease, was not just increasingly […]
Doggie Diagnosis, Man’s Best Friend Gets Even Better
Breast Cancer and Medication
Many years ago a study came out linking increased use of antibiotics to an increased rate of breast cancer. That study considered cumulative use of all antibiotics, not one specific antibiotic, thus suggesting a range of possible causes. There was insufficient evidence to prove that the antibiotics caused the breast cancers or even certainly made women […]
Fishy Research
This seems to be the week of omega-3 oil publications. First there was a PATHETIC study whose authors claimed they had proved that O-3 supplements increase prostate cancer. http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/07/09/jnci.djt174.abstract. A boat load of scientists responded in the harshest terms, suggesting the author was trying to get attention (“the work of a junior professor”) and wondering […]