If you read about vitamin supplements you must be confused. Actually, it would be hard not to be. Vitamins are, by definition, essential to health. Studies of hundreds of millions of people confirm that truth. However, a rash of recent studies have linked taking vitamin supplements to higher rates of a variety of diseases, especially […]
High Intensity Intermittent Exercise – Fast, Efficient, Fun, and Effective
As you probably know, exercise may well be the single most important health habit. Drinking water, eating well, using supplements properly, avoiding toxins, sleeping, working on your attitude and relationships are all also vitally important. However, even beyond its power to prevent and treat disease, exercise may well provide the greatest wellbeing boost of any […]
No Benefit Without Risk – Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol
Many medications are available only by prescription (unless you own a computer or travel to another country). That is because of the risks that accompany their use. When drugs become available we tend to believe that availability is some sort of certification that they are safe, and weak compared to prescription meds. Not true. Recent […]
Making Changes
I hope that, respecting tradition, you have dedicated yourselves to creating some better health habits in this New Year. I also hope that you are going about that in a joyful way, understanding that doing the right things will help you enjoy your life more. Also, pursuing good health habits should be fun, not tedious […]
Autism and Immunizations
The widely disseminated comments of many organizations and authorities would lead one to believe that any possible linkage between vaccination and autism has been entirely disproven. That is not so. The theory that there might be a connection is biologically plausible. One of the most consistent biological abnormalities among children with autism is their limited […]
Sublingual Immunotherapy
Those of you who have seen me for treatment of seasonal allergies, as well as others who have been reading my newsletter for awhile, will remember my comments about and advocacy of oral allergy desensitization. I like developing and providing uncommon but effective treatments, because people need help and there are many underappreciated means […]
Unsavory News About Honey
Honey – sigh! What to say? Honey has long been the earthy, natural, sorta healthy counterpart to evil high fructose corn syrup, or just-not-so-good refined sugar. Pure like the golden sun, it is produced from flowers in sunny meadows by bees. Unfortunately, even this iconic “hippie-food” has been corrupted. One of the reasons honey has […]
ADHD and Environmental Toxins
The rate of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is rapidly rising and estimated to be 12% nationwide by US Census Bureau data. According to community estimates, ADHD rates are as high as 20% in some areas. Nationwide the percentage of children receiving prescription medication for ADHD is approaching 5% (and well over that in some […]
The Waning of Immunizations
Immunizations have been all over the news lately, even entering the political debates. A couple of the discoveries have confirmed clinical impressions, including some I shared with you before. As I mentioned in an earlier newsletter, the current whooping cough (pertusis) epidemic has been remarkable to me because, while I have had patients with […]
The Heart of the Matter
Pooh-poohing Mind-Body Interaction 😉 I surprise patients some times when I tell them that I do not believe in what is often called “mind-body interaction”. My explanation, though, convinces them not to run away and look for a different doctor. The idea that thoughts affect the body and physical disease alters emotions is right, […]