Vitamin D is Too Good Not to Be True

photo bright yellow sun

Several years ago when I attended the first medical conference on vitamin D designed for clinicians, the limited data we had were very exciting.  There was also many reasons to be skeptical and many were.  It all sounded too good to be true they thought. Maybe higher vitamin D levels just told us who was […]

Summer Camp, Summer Camp, Summer Camp

photo two people skydiving in tandem

It is summertime.  I am filling out lots of summer camp and other “special experience” forms for the children in my practice. The kids who live in my neighborhood are engaged in different activities (no lemonade stands yet, though) and the school behind my house is now a summer camp.  It has me thinking.  As […]

Autism and Environmental Toxins

photo industrial polution skyscape

A new, very large, well-designed and important study linking specific prenatal maternal environmental exposures to later autism, conducted by researchers from Harvard and the MIND Institute in Davis, has just been published. Here is the link to the article.  The study of 325 autistic individuals and over 22,000 healthy children, compared data about environmental levels of […]

Tastes, Vitamin Supplements, and Wild Foods

photo pills and capsules

A controversial but prominent advocate of immunizations in the United States is now becoming a vocal critic of nutrition.  In advance of his new book, which advertisements and reviews suggest is a diatribe against acupuncture, chiropractic, supplements, etc., he wrote an editorial for the New York Times espousing the harms of vitamin supplements.  In the […]

Lethal Adverse Effect of Common Antibiotic Discovered

photo Azithromycin box + capsules

One of the most popular antibiotics, azithromycin, has now been shown to cause fatal heart rhythms in some people.  You might have heard of it as ZITHROMAX, or in a conveniently packaged series of doses called Z-PAK.  Although rare, the severity certainly grabs our attention and warrants concern. This lethal adverse effect is not a […]

Light on Vision

phto woman's eye

Needing to wear glasses has long been viewed as a mark of geekiness without any other real significance.  “Just bad luck”, the medical experts said.  “Your eyeball is just shaped wrong and there is nothing you can do about it”. Dissenting voices, especially from the fuzzier end of the alternative medical spectrum, promoted eye exercises […]

Sports-Related Concussions

photo man playing soccer

Sports-related concussions have been gaining attention lately.  Far, far too late in my opinion.  It is almost like our thinking about this issue has been as impaired as the post-concussion brains of the afflicted athletes.  Our cavalier attitude, so entrenched for so many generations, is truly bizarre.  Before I get too self-righteous I need to […]

Concerning News About Advanced Breast Cancer in Young Women

photo Komen pink Cure ribbon

I am disturbed by a recent study of advanced breast cancer among young women.  Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association February 27, the study tracked breast cancer rates from 1976 to 2009.  Over those 34 years, the incidence of metastatic breast cancer increased by 1.37 cases in 100,000 women.  That is a […]